PCAHA U6 - U9 DIVISION Changes for 2023-24 SEASON


 Attention: Raven Families:

We are excited to share some big news that came out of last weekend's PCAHA AGM that changes our U6 – U9 age groups. As of September 2023, the old U6, U7, U8 & U9 model will no longer exist. We will now align with the Hockey Canada Long Term Development model by grouping our U6 & U7’s into a new U7 age group and our U8 & U9’s into the new U9 age group. We are sure there will be many questions related to this, so please see below for a Q & A:

Q – Why are we making this change?
A – The reason for this change is to properly align with the Hockey Canada Long Term Development Model. Also, this will enable a better experience for all athletes as the skill gaps will be narrowed, allowing for coaches to deliver development skates better tailored to the needs of each player. From a game perspective, having kids of more similar skill on the ice at all times will allow for more puck touches and increased enjoyment.

Q – Isn’t this Rep Hockey for younger kids?
A – No, definitely not.  While kids will be placed into one of 2 groups based on their development needs (names are still being worked out by PCAHA) the teams within each group will be balanced to ensure a good development situation for each player.

Q – Will there be tryouts?
A – The evaluation process will be very similar as it was in past years whereby our skilled hockey development people will assess the players over the course of multiple skates.  All players will then be ranked accordingly.

Q – How many teams will there be in each group?
A – That will be determined on a year to year basis. The objective is to deliver a better, more tailored development experience.  The configuration of the 2 groups will be driven by the needs of the participants. It will not be a predetermined metric.

Q – Will there be a minimum number of players from each birth year in the top group?
A – No, the groups will be split on developmental ability with the needs of each child placed as the priority.

Q – Will there be a difference in the number of ice times between the two groups?
A – No, both groups will have access to the same amount of ice as it relates to practices, games and sessions with our skill development leads.

Q – Does this mean that some kids will be moved to full ice hockey sooner?
A – No, we fully support and believe in the Hockey Canada Development Pathway which calls for cross ice hockey until January of the U9 season. Small area hockey promotes more puck touches and encourages the utilization and development of more skills, so that will not change.

Q – Are other associations also doing this?
A – While we can’t control exactly how each association executes on this mandate, yes, all associations within PCAHA will be required to align with this new model.

The PCAHA has formed a group to continue working out details.  We will keep our Ravens family informed as any new information becomes available.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Scott Ackles, Executive Director Semiahmoo Ravens Minor Hockey Association at sackles@semiahmooravens.ca or 604-385-1842.






Semiahmoo Ravens Hockey 2022 AGM Summary + Board Elections